Monday, October 29, 2018

Assignment 2.1 Due Tuesday 23.59 (A1 group) and Wednesday 23:59 (D1 group)


Your first assignment is due:

A1 group, I see you Monday's and Tuesday your assignment is due on Tuesday 30th of October at 23:59

D1 group, I will see you Wednesday 31st of October this is when your assignment will be due at 23:59, so you will have the lesson and any study time to complete this work.

No lates will be accepted, you will need to sign a hand in sheet to say you posted your work on time. 

Lets have a positive start this term hand in on time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Next step

Task - working towards assignment 2.1

After you have conducted your research on current film magazines, outline some initial ideas for the Film magazine drawing on your research:

What did your research tell you?
What gap in the market is missing from your research of the different magazines when you compared two of them?
What has the research helped with coming up with original ideas for your magazine idea?
What do you think works well in the existing film magazines?
Who do you think your target audience will be and why?

The next stage Primary Research will coming up with a questionnaire: initially I would like for you individual to come up with 3 questions, once you are put into your groups for the second half you will construct together one final copy of a questionnaire about 10 questions in total, but keep all your own work as evidence for assessment.

design your cover page and contents page

Film Magazine

After you have conducted your questionnaire and have placed the results in a bar or pie chart, I would like for you to analyse for each question your findings. What did your results tell you? Are you going to change your film magazine idea based on your feedback? 

Next, I would like for you to design your cover page, you can use Photoshop or word, make it exciting looking.

After that, I would like for you to create a contents page with what will be featured in your magazine.

I will also like for you to create an article, it could be an interview, or a write up on a  upcoming film.

Write a first draft of your idea for a film magazine, which includes the following:

An outline of your film magazine and its purpose
Who will be your target audience
look into production costs
and where your film magazine would sell
What will be the contents of your magazine.

After this, I would like for your to write an article giving a sample of what would be in your magazine.

All work needs to be original.

Lesson for week of the 1st October 2918

Unit 2 - Communication Skills and Techniques
To be able to use secondary and primary research for a media product (Film Magazine)

Aim of today's lesson:

  • To complete initial tasks and publish
  • Complete questionnaire a variety of 10 open and closed questions, distribute to 10 peoplel
  • Open Excel - input your results place the results in either a pie or bar chart
  • Analyse the results and give your opinion
  • Keep all your questionnaires (this is required for assessment for your first assignment)

Next week:
Assignment 2.1 issued on blog. (two weeks to complete)

Cover page
contents page
all tasks in order
be sure your name is on the top with the assignment number

Update for week following 10th of December Final assignment 2.3 The Pitch

Hello - please read carefully the instructions for submitting your presentation next week.  Below is a link for the last assignment, you a...