Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Update for week following 10th of December Final assignment 2.3 The Pitch

Hello - please read carefully the instructions for submitting your presentation next week. 

Below is a link for the last assignment, you are now going to prepare a presentation.

Click the link below:

A1 class your presentation must be completed by 3pm Tuesday during the lesson. Please print off a copy of your presentation and also upload onto your blog.

NO LATES - if work is not submitted you will be given extra holiday homework to complete. 

D1 class your presentation must be completed by 1230on Wednesday during the lesson. Please print off a copy of your presentation and also upload onto your blog.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Drafts in today


Drafts are due in please print out a copy and hand in by 11 am today A1 class.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What makes Assignment 2 different from Assignment 1

Create report: content; structure; linguistic register; summary; index; presentation; visuals, eg illustrations, graphics, charts, graphs
Your report must be properly structured, making sure you have a introduction stating the purpose of your report. At this stage you could use visuals such as any relevant pie chart/bar charts from the first assignment to justify to your audience.

Contexts: eg for client, for employer, market assessment, market analysis, product analysis, self-evaluation
Explain in your report and argue why your magazine would suit the market. What do you think of your film magazine and how it will work in today’s market with so much competition

Revision: proof-reading (spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity of expression, structure of content); electronic checks (spelling, punctuation, grammar, thesaurus)
Make sure you are doing checks and proof reading your work

What makes Assignment 2 different from Assignment 1 is this:

Try using different phrases and terminology
Make sure you summarise your main points

Your use of language goes beyond mere description, you must provide even more detail.

Discuss in detail the reasons, what feedback you got from your primary research.

How to write a report for purpose
Please click the link below on how to write a report for purpose.

Your report should be no less than 750 and no more than 1000 words.

Remember this is a draft first, you will get feed back.

Check grammer and spelling
Does it have an opening paragraph?
Are you writing in paragraphs, you should be.

Follow this how do guide.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Unit 2, assignment 2.2 (L.O 2) MA DO ASSIGNMENT BRIEF

Write a first draft of your film magazine proposal that includes the following:

  1. An outline of your film magazine and its purpose
  2. Who is the target audience and did you decide this from your initial research
  3. Production costs, you have completed research on this, but how much would yours cost, make sure you are included, production, crew, location, props etc (more detail that is tailored your own original idea)
  4. Where would you market your magazine/distribute it
  5. What would be the cost?
  6. How many times would it come out each year (monthly quarterly ??)
  7. Make sure you include information from your data that you collected in the first assignment. 

This assignment will include the following criteria: P2,M2,D2,P3,M3,D3 (LEARNING OUTCOME 2)

This is a report please set your work up as a report.

Draft should be uploaded and printed out by the week of 26th of November 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Assignment 2.1 Due Tuesday 23.59 (A1 group) and Wednesday 23:59 (D1 group)


Your first assignment is due:

A1 group, I see you Monday's and Tuesday your assignment is due on Tuesday 30th of October at 23:59

D1 group, I will see you Wednesday 31st of October this is when your assignment will be due at 23:59, so you will have the lesson and any study time to complete this work.

No lates will be accepted, you will need to sign a hand in sheet to say you posted your work on time. 

Lets have a positive start this term hand in on time.

Update for week following 10th of December Final assignment 2.3 The Pitch

Hello - please read carefully the instructions for submitting your presentation next week.  Below is a link for the last assignment, you a...